Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Super Bowl Eggs – Bacon & Cheese Stuffed

Score the winning touchdown with Bacon & Cheese Stuffed Super Bowl Eggs! Your game day guests will gobble these little footballs up in seconds! Huddle up close, because Coach Kim’s about to give you the game plan!

Super Bowl Eggs - Bacon & Cheese Stuffed

We’re going to start with

perfectly cooked hard boiled eggs.

If eggs are boiled too long then they get that ugly green-gray ring around the yolk. That is the sulfuric acid in the eggs that increases it’s stench when exposed to heat. We want to avoid the rotten egg smell as much as possible and we want to have easy peeling eggs too!  My go-to gal for perfection is Ms. Martha Stewart! She suggests starting with eggs that are a bit old. Super fresh eggs will not peel as easily. Place a dozen eggs in a pot and cover with one inch of cold water. I add a teaspoon of salt to the water. Bring up to a rolling boil on high, remove from heat, cover, and allow to sit for 15 minutes. After the 15 minutes is up, remove eggs and place them in ice cold water. Allow the eggs to cool. Gently tap eggs on a counter to break up the shells and peel. The peels should come off easily and you shouldn’t have a dark ring around your yolks! Perfection!

Perfectly Boiled Eggs

In a bowl or pot, add 1/2 teaspoon of brown icing color to 2 inches of hot water. Mix to dissolve. Gently add the peeled eggs to the brown colored water an shake the pot to coat the eggs. Allow them to sit for at least 5 minutes, shaking a few times.

Wilton Brown Icing Color

Peeled eggs in Brown food coloring

Drain the eggs and you are left with the most amazing brown eggs you’ve ever seen! They are beautiful and look like chocolate! Slice each egg in half and keep the top and bottom close to each other (you’ll need to put them back together in a bit).  With a spoon, gently scoop out each yolk into a bowl. Look at those perfectly cooked eggs! Woo-hoo!!!

Football eggs

To make the Bacon & Cheese Super Bowl Egg Filling:

6 hard boiled egg yolks (You’ll only need 6 of your 12 yolks)

1/4 cup mayo

2 teaspoons Dijon mustard

1 dash of hot sauce

1/8 teaspoon onion powder

1/3 cup crispy crumbled bacon

1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese

2 Tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

salt & pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients until well combined.

Bacon cheese deviled egg mix

To assemble your football eggs, scoop one heaping teaspoon of bacon and cheese mixture into one half of an egg and place the matching egg half of top. Repeat, stuffing all the eggs. To make the white laces on top of each football egg, place some sour cream into a plastic baggie. Snip a very small amount off one corner and pipe the sour cream laces on the footballs.

sour cream piping bag

I recommend making these the same day you plan on serving them. The color of the footballs will fade as time goes on. Serve in a egg dish or on a plate lined with greens.

Super Bowl Football Eggs

Bacon and Cheese Stuffed Super Bowl Eggs will be the hit of the party, so be sure to make enough!

Bacon Cheese Superbowl Eggs

Are you ready for some football?!?!


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Linking up to: Mom Endeavors

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  1. Those are fantastic!!!!! Great job!

  2. These are so cool!! Thanks for sharing :) xo K

  3. Creative idea!

    Mrs. Delightful recently posted: My Memories Giveaway @

  4. Pinned it! So cute and they sound delicious!

    1. A pin is like a comment wrapped in love!!! Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy them! ~ KIM

  5. I love these! Super clever! Can't wait to share the link tomorrow with my followers!

    hugs! Kim @ Party Frosting!

  6. Being a football family I TRULY thought I have seen EVERYTHING football! Well...obviously I have not! Those football eggs BLOW me away! I know they will be a hit! Clever, clever, clever Coach Kim :)

  7. Oh my goodness, Kim, these are genius! LOVE it!! Thanks so much for linking them up to the Football Tailgate Party! :)

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